Consultancy Services for Feasibility, Engineering Designs and Tender Administration for A Second Water Source for Tatu City and New Water Intake Trunk Line

The scope of the consultancy services required preparation of a feasibility study, detailed designs, cost estimates and assisting the Client in tender administration:-

  1. Feasibility Study Stage
    • Conduct feasibility study to ascertain water sources for Tatu City;
    • Engage Athi Water Works Development Agency, their design Consultants and any other stakeholders and explore viability of any proposal for Tatu City to receive dedicated supply from the proposed interventions sufficient to cater for Tatu City’s growing and future water demands;
    • Prepare and present to Tatu City’s management a detailed feasibility report outlining possible proposals discussed and acceptable to stakeholders;
    • Prepare outline schematic design proposals resulting from outcome of the feasibility study;
    • Present high level estimates for consideration by Tatu City
  2. Detailed Design Stage
    • Survey work and identification of appropriate wayleave in consultation with the water authorities;
    • Detailed design of proposed interventions including storage tanks;
    • Detailed design of Dam along Kamiti
    • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
    • Resettlement Action Plan;
    • Geotechnical Survey;
    • Preparation of final report including drawings and submission to relevant authorities for approval;
    • Preparation of tender documents including cost estimates;
    • Tender administration and submission of tender analysis

(Completed January 2020)